Mr. Jerry Mannato was my sixth-grade teacher at P.S. 48 in Brooklyn, New York. I’ve often referred to him in my presentations for educators. If there were a Mt. Rushmore for teachers, Mr. Mannato would be on mine. I had many wonderful teachers as I went through the New York City Public School System, and he was one of the most influential. Little did I realize while I was attending his class that years later I would incorporate attributes he modeled in the strength-based, resilience approach I adopted. A little background is in order. My fifth-grade teacher was the polar opposite of Mr. Mannato. She always seemed angry. Her classroom was punctuated by negativity. She focused on telling students what they did wrong rather than on applauding their strengths. I had the strong belief that she didn’t like teaching nor was she fond of her students. On a few occasions as I was struggling to complete a task, rather than encouraging me she would exhort me to use my brains—certainly a very judgmental comment. In my presentations I half-jokingly (perhaps, not so jokingly) inform the audience that I won’t say her name since I’m fearful if I do, she might…